Now that Karen’s newly defined, well-refined workflows are up and running, she and her team are so much more confident that emails, forms, schedulers, proposals, and invoices are going to send correctly and they’re a lot less worried about “messing something up.” This process forced Karen to streamline her offers instead of customizing every little thing and now she’s able to send out her proposals in 10-15 minutes instead of dragging them out for days.

Enjoying Dubsado the way it was meant to be enjoyed

We got started by walking through her entire process, start to finish, and mapping out every service she sells, which included a mix of coaching and retainer services for various social media platforms. Once we had that big picture view of her business and she had the opportunity to review her process, it gave her more clarity around her offers and she ended up making a decision to cut one of her coaching services that just wasn’t serving her business anymore. Had we not taken the time to really build a strong workflow foundation first, we might have wasted a bunch of time creating content and automation for a service she no longer wanted to offer.

Starting with a strong foundation

“Sarah knows Dubsado on a deeper level. She knows how to do things that I didn't even realize were possible. She pays attention to details that I miss. She was also really good at using (and improving) the pieces that I already had in Dubsado. Everything she touched worked better and was more polished after she touched it.”

Karen and her VA had both taken a stab at trying to cobble something together on their own, but neither of them were able to get the results they were looking for. She knew a Dubsado expert would get it done the “right” way and actually make a difference in her business.

She needed things to be set up "right"

Even though Karen, a Facebook ads manager, had already set up her Dubsado account and it was “working,” it wasn’t efficient. She found herself making a lot of embarrassing errors (wrong emails, double sending, broken links) and she was spending way more time on things than she should have been.

From "oh no!" to "oh yeah!"

Take the first step towards living a life where you get to work less and dream more.

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