The Dubsado Project Status is a feature that allows you to keep all of your client projects organized. When you click “Projects” on the left hand side of your Dubsado dashboard, you will see a screen that probably looks similar to this:
The boxes that are shown across the top of the screen are the Project Statuses and they are simply a way to visually organize your Leads and Jobs.
There are a few basic ways to set these up:
As with most things, there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to set this up. It all depends on you, your business, and what makes the most sense.
In addition, your “Leads” and “Jobs” can be set up differently. In the example above, I have my “Leads” organized chronologically according to what stage of my sales process they’re in. Once they sign a contract with me and their project transfers from “Lead” to “Job,” everyone falls into a specific category box according to the service they purchased.
Finally, notice that each of my project statuses ends with an emoji. This is just a way to incorporate a little bit of fun into my daily view! I also add emojis to my canned email and workflow templates so it’s easier to tell which pieces of content go together.
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I'm a perfectionist and I strive for excellence...if there's a better, faster, more efficient way to do something, I wanna know how and I love sharing that kind of knowledge and empowerment with my clients, too!
So if you’re an Online Service Provider who longs to spend more time elevating your client experience than trying to remember what steps you missed, I’d love to work with you.
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