October 29, 2020

Why You Should Hire a Professional

I’m stubborn (my husband reminds me of this often). I’m also pretty independent. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” and in my book that usually means I’m going to Google-teach myself what I need to know instead of hire a professional.

As a new business owner, this was a great way to learn and grow when I first started. I needed to be able to try things and fail and then try something else without relying on someone else’s outside opinion. As a result, I could form my own thoughts and opinions about what was going to work for me and my business and what wasn’t.

But now, I’m more established and moving towards growth and scaling. I’ve learned that those outside sources (professionals) can be extremely valuable because they can see what I can’t.

A few years ago I stumbled on a quote that really stuck with me…

“You can’t read the label if you’re sitting inside the bottle.”

You and I are so wrapped up with the inside of our bottle (our business) that it’s nearly impossible for us to “read the label.” Yes, we could probably look outside the glass and read the labels of other people’s bottles. We could try to mimic what they’re doing or we could fiddle around with whatever we have inside our own bottle until we figured something out. But the truth is, we’re going to be a lot more successful if we reach out for help and hire a professional.

I tell clients all the time, “Yes, you could absolutely learn Dubsado on your own and DIY your setup and workflows. But how long is it going to take? How stressful is it going to feel? What are you going miss in your setup because you couldn’t read the label from inside your bottle?”

When you hire a professional to help you implement Dubsado, it will…

  • Save you time
  • Save you energy
  • Ensure you’re getting the most out of your account
  • Ensure your setup will be accurate and functional
  • Give you that outside perspective that could make a huge impact on how you grow and scale your business

If you’re ready to get help from someone “outside the bottle,” click here to schedule your free consultation today!

Want More?

Looking for more tips and tricks on how to optimize your Dubsado account? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

Need more detailed one-on-one support? Click here to find out how we can work together.

Not even sure what Dubsado is? Sign up for an amazing free trial to get your feet wet. And bonus, once you decide you’re ready to upgrade to a paid account, you can use my affiliate link and referral code (sarahleighday) to get 30% off your first month or year! Not bad, huh?

Hiring a professional will give you the outside perspective that could make a huge impact on how you grow and scale your business.
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about sarah leigh day

Let's work together

I'm a perfectionist and I strive for excellence...if there's a better, faster, more efficient way to do something, I wanna know how and I love sharing that kind of knowledge and empowerment with my clients, too!

So if you’re an Online Service Provider who longs to spend more time elevating your client experience than trying to remember what steps you missed, I’d love to work with you.

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