October 14, 2020

What do the Different Colors on the Dubsado Calendar Mean?

Have you ever noticed that the calendar view in Dubsado shows different types of information in different colors?

If you’ve ever wondered about that, here’s what those colors mean:

πŸ’™ Blue – Jobs (projects with a status on the “Jobs side” of the Projects dashboard)

πŸ–€ Black – Leads (projects with a status on the “Leads side” of the Projects dashboard)

πŸ’š Green – Appointments (booked through a Dubsado scheduler template)

πŸ’œ Purple – Tasks w/Due Dates (this does not include ToDo tasks assigned by workflows unless you manually add a due date to those tasks)

πŸ’› Yellow – Your Synced Calendar (appointments booked outside of Dubsado on your external calendar)

πŸ’“ Red – Scheduled Payments Due (based on the due dates in any open invoices)

And to answer your next question…

No, there is not a way to customize these colors at this time. πŸ˜•

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I'm a perfectionist and I strive for excellence...if there's a better, faster, more efficient way to do something, I wanna know how and I love sharing that kind of knowledge and empowerment with my clients, too!

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