July 25, 2022

Offering Coffee Chats Through Dubsado

If you’ve spent much time as a business owner in the online space, you’ve probably heard of “Coffee Chats.” Before we dive into offering Coffee Chats through Dubsado, let’s discuss what they actually are first.

What is a Coffee Chat?

A Coffee Chat is usually a brief meeting between business owners for the sole purpose of getting to know one another. Each person typically spends a few minutes introducing themselves and their business, and learning about each other. Unlike Sales or Discovery Calls, Coffee Chats are “pitch-free” interactions.

Who should offer Coffee Chats?

Coffee Chats are a fantastic way for any business owner to network and build relationships! You can have Coffee Chats with…

  • Other service providers in your same industry to learn from each other and share referrals
  • Service providers who complement your industry so you can both refer clients to each other when it makes sense
  • Business owners who have zero connection to your industry, just to network and build your online community!

There’s no “wrong” person to have a Coffee Chat with. 🙂

How to offer Coffee Chats?

Coffee Chats can be offered in a variety of ways, just depending on the people involved. You can…

  • Pick up the phone and call each other
  • Meet in a virtual room on Zoom or Google Meet
  • Meet in person and have real coffee!

The most important thing to keep in mind is that Coffee Chats should be EASY and STRESS-FREE. These are not the type of meeting that will directly result in a sale (usually), so they shouldn’t take a lot of time to schedule or manage.

That’s why I love to use Dubsado to schedule my Coffee Chats!

Offering Coffee Chats Through Dubsado

With Dubsado, I can create a meeting scheduler specifically for Coffee Chats. This means I can carve out a specific block of time every week or month to dedicate to growing my network. It also means I don’t have to email back-and-forth with people to try and find a meeting time that works. The scheduler will only allow people to book a meeting during the times I specifically allot for Coffee Chats.

Once a time is chosen, Dubsado can collect some basic information and then send that person a confirmation email with the meeting details. They will also receive automated reminder emails 1 day and 1 hour before our meeting time so they don’t forget!

Those things are great, but the real magic in Dubsado happens AFTER the meeting has ended.

Continuing to Nurture the Relationship

In my Coffee Chats workflow in Dubsado, I have a meeting recap email queued up and ready to be edited and sent as soon as we’re done. This is a great way to wrap things up, share any resources we spoke about, and leave things on a good note.

A couple months later, Dubsado will send me a reminder to check in with the person I met with. I can quickly check my notes from the Coffee Chat and send a thoughtful message, just to see how things are going. Not only does this bring you back to the top of their mind, but it also shows you were listening and cared about what the other person told you.

Usually when I send a check in email like this, we’ll go back-and-forth a few times to catch up and that’s it.

Until a couple more months go by and Dubsado send me ANOTHER reminder to check in. I quickly glance through my notes again and the previous emails we exchanged and send another thoughtful follow up to check in.

This cycle can continue for as long as you want and it’s SO SIMPLE when you automate it using something like Dubsado!

Want More?

I’ve created a One Day Workflow guide specifically for offering Coffee Chats through Dubsado! Click here to learn more.

Looking for more tips and tricks on how to optimize your Dubsado account? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

Need more detailed one-on-one support? Click here to find out how we can work together.

Not even sure what Dubsado is? Sign up for an amazing free trial to get your feet wet. And bonus, once you decide you’re ready to upgrade to a paid account, you can use my affiliate link and referral code (sarahleighday) to get 30% off your first month or year! Not bad, huh?

Use Dubsado to automate your Coffee Chats and continue nurturing your business relationships long after the chat has ended.
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about sarah leigh day

Let's work together

I'm a perfectionist and I strive for excellence...if there's a better, faster, more efficient way to do something, I wanna know how and I love sharing that kind of knowledge and empowerment with my clients, too!

So if you’re an Online Service Provider who longs to spend more time elevating your client experience than trying to remember what steps you missed, I’d love to work with you.

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